Thursday, June 26, 2008

damN boRed

huh..this week mmg bored gila i tell u!but the nicest thing is i feel like cepat ja minggu nie,suddenly it's friday already haha..oo ya but the thing is this week a lot more work 2 do la..most of the users (who is using sys that i admin la..) gv me a call saying that they have this and that prob.ayoo bikin pening,coz all of it mostly simple thing,but these ppl think 2 complicated huh..
yesterday (thursday),i bumped into brenda at lrt we went up 4 bfast 2gether and end up i was late 2 work haha..well i supposed 2 come before 830 but then i came at 9.huhu luckly my bos was nt around,he went out 4 bfast as well so buat x tau je la lmbt 2 heheh =p..
oo ya,2day i will go to bridal shop with along.she wants to pick dresses and fttinng all the dresses la is for her wedding best kn plan nk sebok2 sama la..haha coz sendri punya wedding lama lagi kot!hahah..
o ya b4 i forgot,last wed i watched hulk..hehe lambat kan?tapi x pa at least i still go and watch the was a great film!ntah la but i like it,i cant wait for hulk 3 hehe seems like hulk will b 2gther with iron man!talking about film,i hvnt watch a film that everyone is talking about which is kungfu panda!sedey,thinking of watchng it over this wkend mcm x sempat ja..
hmm anyway,hopefully wkend ni ada benda menarik la nk buat..boringgg nieeeee

Friday, June 20, 2008

Fahrin Ahmad

hahah..funny isnt it the title??huhu..but the truth is i want to tell u guys,the other day em last week thursday(12/6) when my mom,sis,abg is and i was eating at RASTA TTDI,we saw Fahrin Ahmad.ha'ah ya la yg actor tu..
Im not his big fan or wat so ever,but i think he's cute =p!it was like 11pm la at that time while eating suddenly my mom said "b tgk tu mcm fahrin ahmad.." my sis and i turn around la..betul pula fahrin ahmad haha..he was wearing yellow shirt
Em standard la kan, he notice lot of ppl there knw who he dia pn cm minta puji la sikit (ni ayat org sabah ni..minta puji=ngada2 LOL).
hehe..must be weird kan tetiba cerita pasal artis yg ntah apa2..but as i said laa,i think he's cute tu yg cm excited sket nie =p!
OO ya,on the same day my mom arrived from kk.she was here to do some shopping for my sis's wed!all wkend we went out to buy this and that byk la jugak barang2 yg d beli!She bought cadar,bunga telur,door gifts,and stuff like that.My mom dia punya General MAnager,my sis asst.mnger and i was the one who angkat all the barang2!!huhu..ndak pa laa..utk kakak tersayang LOL~!
We went to Nilai 3,they have well i can say..almost everything u knw!lengkap ni mcm one stop place to buy all stuffs needed 4 a wedding la kiranya..if only kk got place like this and murah summore like this place as well my mom x payah ssh2 dtg jauh2 kn?(kalau ada pn d kk tu mahal laa..)
As for my self,i bought kain also for along's wedding,theme ktaorg PINK!hikhik..lagi 2 kain mom yg belikan haha..along bengang gila (along is my sis la..)"ko ni sda kerja pn mommy yg kasi beli kain!" hehe..
o ya now im blogging from office so cannt post pix,but later on i post all pix k?ada yg pix fahrin ahmad i snap curi2!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

17 June 2008

Finally,i got my own car..sweet!it's not ez thou,ya la i had to thnk deeply before making this decision..Commitment laa kononnya nie adeh ^_^!Ok la,the story is like not complicated type of human tau.ez to say im very flexible,and sumtimes i dont thnk too long to make any decisions.And the fact is,yg time nk beli keta ni awal2 made up my mind yg this yr i must get a car for myslf..

Because of semangat yg berkobar2 tu la abis ja praktikal trus ja kerja..haha,budget2 dpt slip gaji ke-3 trus nk beli laa..(haha,btul2 naive time 2)..unfortunately,im not so happy with my previous job so pas ja bln ke-3 nk msk 4 mths i decided to quit (nah kan,mmg x fikir langsung suka ati ja buat keputusan =p).standard la kan,when we change career suma pn dah tunggang terbalik.Ya lah to buy a car they want pay slip la,itu la,ini la and since i just join my current comp ssh la kan..

So i started to do my own research,went to p1(proton) and p2(Perodua)'s showroom,ask the SA(Sales Agent) lot of questions.Told 'em my situation,and conclude all the answers to solve my prob.

Best thing is,thing still can be resolved la..the thing is i need to prepare lots of documents.So sda dpt jln penyelesaian(cewaahh..) ada another prob lagi..hehe..the main concern here was,what car i should buy!!This time i had to think deeply..waa 1st time hahah..ya la my dad ckp BML(eh ka BLM??) yg proton tu,and my sis said same thing.I was considering Viva,and my friends agree then my mom said Viva la ada 2 la pilihan then later on my bf said savvy pn nice nah bingung2 trus bah hahaha..

I took almost 1 mth jugak la to decide which one i shld take.Well at first i decided to take BLM+BML tu,but then the SA said i hv to wait for 2 mths(coz i want M/T,A/T can get faster).ayoo..lama 2,and my fren said silap2 kena tguu more than that..hmm sedih,i like it but too much la mau tggu that long kan? so,fikir nya fikir(take time jugak ooo..)then only i decided to take Viva..while waiting for approval from bank,fuel price increase!!haha..fiiiyyyuuuhhh..nasib baik amik keta kecik,imagine if amik keta besar sket alalal..sakit bah!

After waiting for about 1 week,kuar la keta tu huhu..frist time driving my own car ja,in my head thinking of changing this and that la..stereng tu cam besar la..itu la..ini abg is advise me not to mod anything yet..pakai dulu few months ^_^!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Past few weeks,there were a lot of things that i've done but i didnt hv time 2 write it in here.Malas laa that time hehe..this pic was taken when i was on my way 2 JB.There were me,yana and 2 of yana'a fren ani and shaz.

We went 2 JB for another friend of Yana wedding (hehe keep on mentioning "yana's fren",lucu pulak =p)

Well,this is the 2nd time i reach JB.First time was 4 yrs back.At that time i went there with Nana,hehe lucu kononnya cuti2 malaysia laaa at that time.we jst received money frm MARA so g la joli2 =p!i got our pic yg that time i dun hv scanner machine if not mesti happening 2 post pix dolu2 haha..

anyway back to my visit 2 JB for the 2nd time,we reached there at 230pm(from kl was like 11am if im ot mistaken)gosh,almost 4hrs man!cramp bontot haha..we were so lucky coz not long after we arrive,the groom came sempat la tgk drg sanding ^_^..I like their wedding theme,simple but nice!and i love the color,GOLD!!
hehe yana and i wore yellowish gold baju kebaya,so matching la ngan theme heh,and some of the guests tot we are family members.

We left the wed ceremony at 4pm,we didnt round JB coz we wanted to go 2 Tangkak(nk tgk2 kain la kononnya).I drove all the way from JB to Tangkak,took about 1hr jugak la cz we dnt knw where exactly the place is.But unfortunately,when we arrived kedai2 yg ada x la byk mana pun!(hmm..i tot tangkak greater than nilai3)
end up yana and i didnt get any kain pun,but Ani she sempat borong lagi hehe..After Tangkak,we went straight away 2 Melaka.(Mkn Ikan Bkr!)

Sampai Umbai at 8pm,sempat change our outfit at one of the RNR lagi panas bah..It was saturday night kan so lots of ppl man!alalal..sikit lagi kempunan tp terasa gak laa..we spent about rm120!!we got udang,ketam,ikan,lala..haha kenyang.da kenyang we go back 2 kl.Shaz drive blk KL and took us only 1hr 2 reach kl!!gila laju eh??

Even thou we were damn tired tp before heading back home smpat lagi we went 2 downtwn at setapak hahah..mcm kuat ja in fact batterry da low time tu =p!
Sampai umah je mandi trus zzzzzZzZz..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

where it begins..

I hvnt write on my blog for so long now.I think for abt 3 wks hehe..well im quit busy lately,i jst strted working hee and a lot of things i need to knw and learn ^_^!.well,briefly in my dept it just me and my Bos Mr.R huhu!can u imagine how bored i feel???
erm..anyway,since i dont hv friends i always tapau and hv my lunch in my office ja laa..huhu sedih kan?my working hrs is like 830am-6pm lama tuu..nothng much to do actually,most of the time i surf the net but cant chatting kena block duh!mean that mmg bored tahap dewa laa..ok la enuff story pasal keja..(since there is nothing 2 story about hehe)
yg "hot" for me rite now is im going to have my own car soon!!hehe..i decided to buy myself a car since i think i am capable of paying for it(haha..walau duit x byk!).After thinking of it so long,and consider what my family+friends are saying i made up my mind and buy a Pero2 VIVA ^_^!I went 2 pero2 in uptwn and dealing with Ben my SA..Well,at the beginning i was thinking of white viva,but then my SA said they dnt hv stock remaining colors are black,tropical green and silver!
huhu..i dnt like green,silver is not my color(my BFF's kelisa is silver hehe vien ur car is cool anyway..!)so as my dad said "take it either white or black." so i decided to take black,plus i think viva is ssoo cute in black im waiting approval from bank hopefully everything is going smooth ^_^ wish me luck!